We have the resources, expertise and experience to prosecute or defend claims against corporations and their officers and directors
Lawsuits against corporate officers and directors are on the rise, prompted in part by a challenging economic environment. These director and officer liability actions, including derivative suits, pose challenges to corporate governance and can expose executives to personal liability. Whether prosecuting or defending, it is critical to have an experienced legal team on your side.
O'Rourke has the resources, expertise and experience to prosecute or defend claims against corporations and their officers and directors, including:
Shareholder derivative
Shareholder oppression and business divorce
Breach of fiduciary duty
Corporate waste
Usurpation of corporate opportunities
Trade secret misappropriation
Our director and officer (D&O) liability practitioners best serve the client’s interests by bringing to the table a multi-disciplinary approach that combines both corporate and commercial litigation expertise. Our corporate practitioners understand the full range of